Great Western Log Homes Inc.
www. .com


Commercial Log & Timber Structures:

  • Please contact us to discuss your specific needs.

Technical Assistance Program:

Each style and type of log or timber home has its own method and style of construction that is unique to that log profile. If you require technical assistance on-site to assist your log construction crew, Great Western Log Homes, Inc. can assist you.

Experienced Log Set Crews:

Often times the geographical location in which you are building does not offer experienced log construction crews. If you require an experienced log set crew to dry-in your log home then we are happy to assist you in coordinating based on timing and availability.

General Contractors:

Depending upon the location for your residential or commercial structure, GWLH may be able to refer you to experienced and licensed Contractors that specialize in log and timber construction.

We highly scrutinize these referrals and only refer within the United States of America. Independent crews are not always available, depending on your location and timeframe. So let us help you plan your project well in advance.

Scope of Work Assesments:

One of the most frustating things a client can experience is the frequent lack of transparency in the building process and timeline. This is especially true for log and timber homes.

The primary reason for the ambiguity and frustration between the owner and the builder is the absence of detailed lists of work to be performed and completed.

GWLH can assist you by working with you to develop a specific and itemized "Scope of Work" to present to the contractor. After mutual acceptance of the prospectus, it should extend to a progress and payment schedule between the contractor and the owner. Every home is unique, so the "Scope of Work" always varies. However, it is the right of the owner to understand where their money is being spent and to what level of completion the construction has reached.

When purchasing a log or timber package through Great Western Log Homes, Inc. we will assist you, as an optional service, to create a these documents for the contractor(s) bidding your home. This is especially important if you are only requesting a dry-in of your log home. Creating better communications between owners and builders improves the experience for everyone.